Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 6

What a day I have had today! Looking at possible preschools for my son that will meet his needs, converting my daughter's crib into a toddler bed, and somehow in there managing to get the kids fed too! Add to that, my son having a fever (think it's an ear infection) and it's been quite a day to say the least! In other news though, today was a shop-free day. No major temptations finding their way to me, although I will admit, while I was driving around, I thought about stopping over by our local designer outlet mall to "browse" the Disney outlet store. I didn't though because I KNEW I'd end up with something other than! Hope everyone has had a great day!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 5

Darn you wait list emails!!

So there is a dress that I wanted from one of my FAVORITE websites: Pinup Girl Clothing. It WAS out of stock last time I shopped off of their site. Well it would figure that I got my wait list email today AFTER I have declared my abstinence from shopping! Oh well...I guess all I can say is that it wasn't meant to be. SIGH. It's all good though! It was the first of many temptations to sway from my shopping diet, but I will delete the email, as painful as it might be, and ignore that it ever showed up! I will! (or at least I will tell myself as much! lol!)

On another note, I also did a bad, but not so bad thing this evening. *wink wink* Ok, it wasn't as bad as it COULD have been, but it was definitely junk food binging! So I found these AWESOME vegan Newman-O's that are chocolate with a chocolate creme filling, and yeah...that's all there was to THAT. Some of those...ok, more than was maybe about 8 or so, and a cup of vanilla almond milk and I was in HEAVEN! It's okay because after the kids go to bed tonight, I'm going to get my workout on in an effort to (a) forget about that dress, and (b) to work off the cookies and milk that I had. *GRIN* Take care everyone and I hope you have had a fantabulous day!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 4

Hello all!

Another shop-free day! The only shopping I did today was grocery shopping. :) I found some really interesting looking vegan Italian sausage that I'm going to cook with dinner tonight. Sadly, I was tempted to run into a Goodwill this morning to "look around" and I had to remind myself that no, I didn't "need" to "look around" because I knew it wouldn't just be looking! Goodwill holds a special place in my heart because once upon a time, my husband and I used to do thrift store hopping, not really for any reason, but just because it was something we liked to do on occasion. Regardless, I didn't go in, so yay me! Additionally, I was able to fit into a size 10 PaperDenim&Cloth pair of jeans this morning! THAT was exciting! Not much else to say beyond that, so I hope everyone has a great day!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 3

Oh what a DAY today has been! No shopping to report, but I won't lie, I thought about it. I also seemed to see that I wanted to shop AFTER I had a really rough time emotionally with some family members that will not be named as of yet. Unexpected visits sent my world into a tailspin. Sigh. Instead, I turned to making something in the kitchen. :) I made some raw ranch dressing that was surprisingly good and now I'm sitting in my living room enjoying some baby carrots with my raw ranch dressing.

In case you want to see the raw ranch dressing being made, check it out here

The recipe is very simple, although if you watch the video, there aren't any measurements given, so I did mine purely by trial and error. Here's the basic info:

Approx 2 cups raw cashews that have been soaked for at least two hours or overnight.
Approx 1 cup purified water
Lemon juice of one lemon
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Fresh or dry dill
Fresh or dry basil
Fresh ground pepper

Put the cashews into a blender and add maybe half of the total water. Blend until smooth. If it seems a little dry or choppy, add more water until you get to the desired consistency. Add the lemon juice, garlic powder, and onion powder to taste. Blend it all together well. Add salt and pepper, also to taste, and blend again to mix. Then add the dill and basil, and blend just long enough to mix it because we don't want to dressing to turn green. We just want the typical flecks that you would normally see in the ranch dressing. After that, it is done! Add the spices as you see fit - if you think it needs more, then add it until you are satisfied, but it is MMM-MMM good!! Oh, and it is VEGAN and DAIRY-FREE!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 2

Ok, so truth be told, it is not going to be hard not to spend anything today. We're all at home sick with a cold my daughter brought home from her preschool. We all have runny noses, sore throats, and slight fevers, although my daughter seems to not have a fever anymore, thank goodness!

So I've been thinking about the vow I made for myself last night. I think I'm going to create a few rules, not necessarily to get around them, but mainly for clarification.

1. Not buying anything new: nothing from a store of any kind from Saks to Goodwill.
2. If it is given to me or the kids, it is not buying, so hand me downs are OK.
3. If it is free, then it is not buying, like getting a free T-shirt with the purchase of something like a movie ticket.
4. At the end of every month, I will revisit my closet and dresser drawers to get rid of unneeded clothing. First reduction: July 31.
5. I will only reduce my total amount of clothing instead of increasing it after reducing it.
6. I cannot give lists to others, otherwise it would be like me buying by proxy. They must be gifts that were not asked for by me.

That's it for now...I may add to it and revise later, but these will be the core concepts of my "diet" and I will endeavor to follow them to the best of my ability. Have a great day everyone!


Saturday afternoon...

I talked to my husband, who happens to be overseas currently, and he thought this was a GREAT idea. No surprise there! LOL! He also started telling me about his staple items: 4-5 pairs of pants, 4-5 shirts, underwear, socks, and shoes. That is his entire wardrobe, more or less. Yeah...don't think I could do THAT, but more power to him and every other person out there like that!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 1

I was inspired today after seeing an article that ran in the NY Times.

Starting today, I will not buy anything clothing related for an entire year. Nothing. I will even make a list of things I will not buy. The ONLY caveat will be if I lose weight, and I mean enough weight to constitute buying a whole new wardrobe. That will only happen if I get down to something smaller than a size 6 since I have clothing in my closet that will indeed fit a size 6. For those of you curious, I'm currently about a size 12 (more or less) and working to lose the weight too, but that is neither here nor there.

Here is my list of what I will not buy:
Bathing suits
Yoga pants
Belts (unless mine finally gives)

I will also apply this to the kids unless they NEED new clothing. They don't NEED anything new for a while. Here is their list:
Hair accessories
Shoes (unless absolutely necessary)

Other Misc Cutbacks:
Beauty stuff (I'm sure you know those SALES at Bath and Body Works)
*This includes unneeded body washes and soaps because I have a cabinet FULL of these things. I need to USE them instead of buying more.*

Things allowed to buy:
One Shampoo/Conditioner in particular; no more, no less
One specific type of body lotion: Jergen's (personal preference)

I am doing this really to see if I can do it. I love a challenge, and truth be told, this will in itself, present a challenge indeed! I will do my best to follow through with this and I will attempt to update on a regular basis. Let's make this happen!