Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 2

Ok, so truth be told, it is not going to be hard not to spend anything today. We're all at home sick with a cold my daughter brought home from her preschool. We all have runny noses, sore throats, and slight fevers, although my daughter seems to not have a fever anymore, thank goodness!

So I've been thinking about the vow I made for myself last night. I think I'm going to create a few rules, not necessarily to get around them, but mainly for clarification.

1. Not buying anything new: nothing from a store of any kind from Saks to Goodwill.
2. If it is given to me or the kids, it is not buying, so hand me downs are OK.
3. If it is free, then it is not buying, like getting a free T-shirt with the purchase of something like a movie ticket.
4. At the end of every month, I will revisit my closet and dresser drawers to get rid of unneeded clothing. First reduction: July 31.
5. I will only reduce my total amount of clothing instead of increasing it after reducing it.
6. I cannot give lists to others, otherwise it would be like me buying by proxy. They must be gifts that were not asked for by me.

That's it for now...I may add to it and revise later, but these will be the core concepts of my "diet" and I will endeavor to follow them to the best of my ability. Have a great day everyone!


Saturday afternoon...

I talked to my husband, who happens to be overseas currently, and he thought this was a GREAT idea. No surprise there! LOL! He also started telling me about his staple items: 4-5 pairs of pants, 4-5 shirts, underwear, socks, and shoes. That is his entire wardrobe, more or less. Yeah...don't think I could do THAT, but more power to him and every other person out there like that!

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